
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jake the swimer

Jake has been pracdsing to swim in the butterfly race when he got to half of the pool he stared drawing. The coach had to get him out of the water.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Why does a bee sting?

Why does a bee sting??? The bees will only sting if try and drive them away. They will use their self defense and attack you and sting you. Or if you try and kill them they will sting you.    

The hook on the bee has a little barb so when the bee sting you the hock gets stuck in your skin.  The weake bee

Bees can only sting once. when a bee stings a person the person instantly gets the bee of of them. The bee is so badly injured that it can diy. unless if you don’t hit the bee the stinger will safely come out of your skin.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Olympic shootting

The rings: interlocking flag colours baron pierre de coubertin 5 continents olympic nations

Baron Pierre De Coubertin  is the man who made the 5 rings. The rings are the Olympic symbol and  they represent 5 of the continents Asia Africa Europe America Oceania. The colours of the rings are blue black red yellow green.